yesterday i have organized a HAM RADIO demonstration on behalf of the first anniversary of ELITE ASSOCIATION in priyadarshini college of engineering and Technology. Dr.Rajasekhar a popular HAM operator and designer of HMY2K8 had given a demo on HAM RADIO and said many things regarding HAM RADIO and its importance during natural calamities and being part of disaster management. learned many thing from his seminar. Finally i succeeded in organizing such an event as my last event during my tenure in the college and this association ELITE.
organised a HAM RADIO deonstration from ELITE
yesterday i have organized a HAM RADIO demonstration on behalf of the first anniversary of ELITE ASSOCIATION in priyadarshini college of engineering and Technology. Dr.Rajasekhar a popular HAM operator and designer of HMY2K8 had given a demo on HAM RADIO and said many things regarding HAM RADIO and its importance during natural calamities and being part of disaster management. learned many thing from his seminar. Finally i succeeded in organizing such an event as my last event during my tenure in the college and this association ELITE.
got a 2M VHF set from VU2BKW
VU2BKW is a very good friend of mine i actually saw the first HF rig because of him. he was my first guru for this amateur radio operation he inspired me more and he gave me a ICOM-IC735 commercial HF rig to start my journey in this amateur communication world. now he gave me a RC 560 2M handy which he is not using. i have taken that and as it was having some problem rectified it and started using it and communicated with VU2HMY for the first time in VHF handy and he also felt very happy listening from me and we both tested our signals as he brought a new WOUXUN KG-UVD1P VHF handy.
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About Me
- Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
- I am a Post graduate in Electrical & Electronics, an electronics hobbyist, also a ham radio enthusiast. I always do some thing new and with a mind which need everything new. Currently I am working for Oracle India pvt ltd
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