second phase running over
a great care is to be taken while we solder this circuit as this is very delicate one. See the main main contacts where positive and negative and some crucial components should not be short circuited, also the performance of the rig purely depends on the best quality components used.
3.switching section
Learning many things
hmmm... these days i am learning many more things in electronics due to the project HMY2K8 it is gaining me more and more technical skills and also i am applying some of my own techniques. This is a bit hard but it does be so if we think of the fruitful result after completion of this project.
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About Me
- Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
- I am a Post graduate in Electrical & Electronics, an electronics hobbyist, also a ham radio enthusiast. I always do some thing new and with a mind which need everything new. Currently I am working for Oracle India pvt ltd
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