life is a game where we cant expect the winning or loosing

  • Tuesday, June 29, 2010
  • KPS
  • in my far experience of my life i have learnt that life is game where the winning or loosing is not expected because it is not the conventional game where our confidence or the skill in the game makes the difference but it is the fate and also the skill which makes the difference of life, i have seen many changes that a man comes over the things and the environment. basically i believed if a man is committed to certain things and promises he will keep up them till his death but i have learnt that my imagination is purely wrong. even the best friends cant not only in my life i have seen many of the best friendships like my brothers friends my fathers friends and many others where there is a mere selfishness not a real friendship even my fathers elder brother failed to keep up his friendship which i believed to be the best one. coming to my own experience i have shocked but not changed my self because of others change in behavior just for the some idiotic things and temporary lust. finally completely lost the faith in the word friendship. everything is just business pakka business nothing more and never thought that i would give such a meaning to the word friendship because of the thing i have seen recently, i never want to reveal the names or some thing else but this is written here for just relief of my own but on an average all the friendships are like that. the great example is my mobile became silent when i came out of my college, when i was in the college daily i got more than 1000 calls per-day asking me many favours or for my help in various academic and extra activities, but the day college completed it was shocking i didn't get even a single call from so called class mates or juniors who came around me when i was in the college, this shows that a person is a hero when he have some thing special, so i came to know that my specialty disappeared when the college gate has been closed for me so finally i decided to be unique and not waiting for others who never waited for me i have my own life my oen identity to be created so why wasting time thinking about others. you guys who read this think for a while about our surroundings dont ever believe anyone...
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